Tuesday, July 16, 2024

*`Release Blitz: The Marriage Auction 2 by Audrey Carlan`*

Why watch a filthy, angsty, suspenseful romantic soap opera when you can read one anywhere and everywhere.

The Marriage Auction 2, an all-new steamy, angst-filled romance series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Audrey Carlan & Blue Box Press is now live!

Three women and one man put themselves up for auction in a high-stakes game of marriage, money, and mayhem. The spice is high, the characters intense, and the plot will keep you guessing until the bitter end. This is the filthy, gritty, angsty soap opera you never knew you needed. Welcome to The Marriage Auction.

Meet the candidates:

Maia Rhodes – A twenty-four-year-old pickpocket with a tragic past and one goal: Do whatever it takes to secure enough money to save her family from the devil and his spawn back home…even marry a stranger.

Memphis Taylor – A college footballer who had big dreams of playing for the NFL but dropped out of college due to an injury. He needs to make enough money to help support his five sisters, his parents, and his sassy granny. What’s three years of his life?

Summer Belanger – A Californian cannabis farmer with an unorthodox family, a witchy faith, and a desire to find her life’s purpose. As a horticulturist, she finds solace and peace in plants and nature but doesn’t know the first thing about running a successful business. Her kookie parents suggest the auction so she can find a businessman who will help her succeed and also handle her pesky lack of orgasms.

Julianne Myers – Was raised in the lap of luxury, until her parents and their best friends were killed, leaving her brother and her childhood crush their empires. Her brother and his new fiancĂ©e attempt to take it all. Lost and utterly alone, Jules enters into the auction in order to make a huge amount of money fast. Only she didn’t expect her godmother, aka Madam Alana, to meddle and create a match she never dreamed possible.

Continue to Book 2 to meet the Bidders…


Disclaimer: This serial can be read as a standalone but is best read after TMA 1. Recommended for individuals 18+ as it contains graphic depiction of sexual acts and adult content that may trigger some readers. Please visit my website for a full list of sensitive content.

Grab your copy today!
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Keep reading for a look inside The Marriage Auction 2, Book One!

The auction was my last chance.
“Tonight I’d planned on having dinner with a client and his wife, but I could cancel if you’re not up to it,” Rhodes offered.
I shook my head. There was no way in hell I’d be having my new fiancĂ© cancel things on my behalf. The goal was to ensure he wanted to keep me, not toss me back out to the wolves. The contract was clear. If either party wanted to get out for any reason, there was always the option. I only got the full seven mil if I signed on the dotted line, officially got married, and stayed through the three anniversaries after that.
However, if he wanted to bail before the first year was up, they’d deduct what he owed me based on the time we were together. Right now, he’d already paid the deposit of $250,000. Once we got married, I’d score the first installment of that seven mil. That money was going to set me, my two siblings, and my mother up with an amazing life. Then everything we suffered would just be a bad memory.
Which reminded me, “When are we getting married?” I asked.
He frowned and cleared his throat. “I, uh, huh… I honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead. As you know, it wasn’t part of my plan.”
“Contract states we are supposed to be married within thirty days of signing the contract. After that, we are supposed to have consummated the marriage within two weeks. Maybe after dinner we can tack on a quickie drive-through wedding?” I suggested.
“You want to get married today?” he croaked.
“Why wait?” I stated flatly.
He started to pace the small room, then ran his hand through his hair repeatedly. “I feel like we need more time to connect. And to be honest, I don’t think I could go through with a wedding ceremony if my daughter wasn’t there. You haven’t even met Emily yet.” His shoulders slumped.
“Technically, I met her at the airport.” I reminded him.
That was the wrong thing to say. Because suddenly, he stopped pacing and slumped into the single chair in the corner of the room, put his elbows to his knees and his head in his hands, looking utterly defeated. “Shit, that’s right. She might actually remember you. What the hell are we going to tell her?” He lifted his head, his face a mask of worry. “I married my pickpocket?”
Damn, the man had a point.
“Uh, that wasn’t something I’d thought through just yet,” I admitted weakly and sucked in my bottom lip while I started to consider each possible scenario.
He lifted a hand, gesturing toward me. “Exactly. That’s why we need to discuss these things. Emily will be with Alana and Christophe for the next two weeks. We have until then to figure out what we’re going to do about introducing you to my daughter and the actual ceremony.”
Which meant I had to wait to get the next payout.
I groaned under my breath. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but none of this was. All I knew was this man wasn’t going to marry me quickly. He wanted his beloved daughter to be a part of it. Which was really sweet, but the exact opposite of my own plan. Regardless, the only way we were going to get through any of it was one step at a time.
“First things first: breakfast. I’m thinking bagels and coffee then we hit up my house to start packing. I need to settle up with Sam anyway. Then, we’ll meet with your clients for dinner. After that, we’ll figure it out.”
He looked up from where he’d been staring at his shoes, likely contemplating all his bad life choices. I knew that look well and recognized it when I saw it.
“Bagels and coffee?” he reiterated.
“I know a great place.”
His lips twisted as he stood. “Lead the way.”

For more information about Audrey Carlan, visit:

For more information about Blue Box Press, visit:

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