Wednesday, May 29, 2024

*`Review: Trick by Laramie Briscoe`*

Title: Trick
Series:  Trick #1
Author: Laramie Briscoe
Release Date: March 28, 2022

4.5 Stars
This is a special edition of Trick with the original book plus some great extras of these awesome characters. This one drew me in with it being a single mom romance. I was also intrigued in the program that Riley enters. Now I know the feeling abandonment from a father, but in my case I had an awesome grandpa who filled that role for me so I never felt that hole like Riley. Hadley and Riley never knew what a life changing moment it was meeting the man from the Companion Campaign. Now Trick has made some mistakes in life and now he has one shot to keep his life on track. Trick interacting with Riley just warms my heart. Riley is such a cutie, but she has an old soul. Trick endeared me even more to him because he has a kitty. That's brownie points for me. Life has been hard for both, but just maybe life is finally shining down on them. Such a beautiful read. Then we get a bonus Christmas story for this family. That made my Christmas loving heart explode with happiness. I so loved seeing them in the future living their HEA. I so recommend this!

This edition of Trick features Trick, Unwrap Me, the Trick & Hadley text messages, and the first chapter of their son, Declan's book.

A forced sentence leads to a reckless passion…


When my husband walked out on me over a year ago, it devastated me. When the divorce papers came, it wrecked me. When we had to sell our house, it broke me.

But then he moved in with his new flavor of the month and told our daughter his new woman wasn’t into children. That pissed me off.

Now Riley feels abandoned, and I can’t make it better; no matter how hard I try. I’m desperate to help her adjust to the loss of a male figure in her life. The Companion Program that matches adults up with children who have loneliness and abandonment issues is my last hope.

The counselors tell me he’s doing community service hours, and I ask to sit in on his meetings with Riley. The minute I see him astride the matte black Harley, I know neither my nor Riley’s life will ever be the same again.


Community Service. Two words I should be thankful for, but I’m not. I resent the hours away from building my business. The two previous kids I'd been paired up with didn’t work out because their mothers were more interested in getting in my bed than making sure their child was taken care of. This next match with a little girl is my last hope. Unless this kid works out, I’m destined to serve time.

When they push her into the room wearing pink converse with a black dress, her crazy curls barely held back by the barrette in her hair, and studious glasses on her face, I can tell she’s scared - of new people, of change, of being pushed aside. Something inside of me breaks, and I want this girl to feel wanted again.

What I’m unprepared for is meeting her mom. The second our hands touch, I see fireworks, bright lights, and a picture of the future I could one day have. The future I’ve never allowed myself to wish for.

Community service becomes more than a chore, more than the precious hours I have to give up. In the months that follow, I realize Riley and Hadley are just like me; they’ve been abandoned, left behind by the world, forgotten by those who should love them.

Thanks to the one last hope in both our lives - we found the light in the darkness we’d been searching for.

Unwrap Me

Life gets a little crazy sometimes, especially when you've got two kids, two businesses, and you are two parents who are very hands on.

But when Trick's gift doesn't get here in time for Christmas, I have to improvise. They say variety is the spice of life. To keep my man happy, marriage on track, and our sanity, I decide to give him what he craves most in the world.

Me. With a bow on top.

Patrick Tennyson won't know what hit him. It'll be the surprise of his life, and all he'll have to do is follow the instructions.

Your gift got a little delayed. Instead, I've improvised. Follow the snowflakes to the bedroom. When you get here, unwrap me, and I'm yours.

Christmas is about to get so hot we'll be melting the eight inches expected tonight. ;)

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