Monday, May 27, 2024

*`Review: Pining For You by Marika Ray`*

 Title: Pining For You
Series: Blueball Band of Brothers #5
Author: Marika Ray
Release Date: May 9, 2024

4.5 Stars
This is the fifth and final book in the series. Zeke is getting his story told. One thing I really loved is all the previous characters in the series pop in a lot. Zeke and Rainy were best friends in high school. They have the history, but Rainy left town the day of graduation and never looked back. Now she is back and Zeke sees his chance to have her even for a little while. Rainy's homecoming is not going as planned. Her former best friend is high jacking her plans. Grown up Rainy sees what her young self didn't last time. Man does Zeke have some swoony moves. His dog Daisy is adorable and falls in love with Rainy right away. Will these two finally see the future that was always destined for them or will there be a runaway again? I loved seeing Rainy find her self worth once again. This town embraces her and that's so what she needs. Her grandma Gertie is a hoot with her friends. This book delivers on the feels and heat, but also the humor that I love in this series. I just gobbled this book right up. Where Zeke and Rainy end up made my heart happy sigh. Those two deserve a forever HEA. I can't believe this series has come to a close. I loved my journey in Blueball.

I’ve been in love with my best friend since the day I met her freshman year of high school. She was a halo of sunshine on a rainy day, pulling me out of the shadows and making me feel like life was one big roller-coaster ride of excitement. Until the day we graduated and she left on the back of a Harley with some guy who didn’t deserve her, middle fingers in the air.

Twelve years later, she’s back in Blueball, as if she hadn’t broken my heart and never looked back. This time, she’s headed straight for the courthouse to marry some guy who looks like he’s afraid of the world just so she can inherit some money. He’s clearly all wrong for her too.

I decide fate has given me a second chance to tell her how much she hurt me. I bribe the guy to leave and stand in as her groom at the altar. 

If I thought a marriage of convenience would be the way to pin down Rainey Shaw and teach her a lesson, I’m as dumb as the teenager who let her stomp all over his heart.

Because Rainey is back, and I’m half in love with her already.


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