Wednesday, December 6, 2023

*`Excerpt Reveal: Omission by Elena M. Reyes`*

OMISSION by Elena M. Reyes is set to release on Dec. 11th but today, you can check out an exclusive excerpt from the book!


Since birth, I’ve been surrounded by the enemy. Those who wish to destroy the very fabric of my kind's existence but have failed to at every turn. For greed. Because of ignorance. And while I’ve vowed to drive a sword through their hearts and display their heads outside our royal grounds; I could never harm her.

A divine rule etched into the very magic that flows through my veins, even if she’s the daughter of the man who murdered my parents. Even if her people aren’t to be trusted.

Yet there’s one truth I could never deny:
This lovely little doll is mine.

One look into her warm, violet eyes and my world stops. She's where I begin and now end—the prize at the end of my battles. Who I will kill for.


Fate’s Bite Series 
Little Lies:
Little Mate:
Half Truths: Then:
Half Truths: Now:


I’m aware of her presence the very second she steps a single foot inside the room.

Each footfall is light; the soft clack of high-heeled shoes reverberates throughout the space even as chaos erupts all around me. There are shouts and threats. That decaying scent of flesh fills every square inch as death looms closer—it clings to those of fae blood—and I lick my lips as I get the first taste of revenge.

Promise made. Promise kept.

Emotions I share with my siblings. Our familial bonds vibrate; they’re vaxing between ecstasy and the pang of memories that will forever mark our lives, but then that too becomes a distant buzz as my attention shifts.

Everything stops because of this wonderous slip of a girl.

Because I know who this female is. What she represents as old and new wounds tear open and I’m slammed by the desires I’ve kept hidden for much longer than she’s been alive.

For a new beginning. For the gift promised by the gods.

Can I accept this fae female? The daughter of my enemy?

I’m frozen in place for a minute as I take her in while no one notices the change in my demeanor. She’s unsure, afraid—needs someone to save her from the demonic claws that keep her here—while I’m fighting to control my powers as the molecular structure of everything around me bends.

Everything, but her. She’s the center of my focus.

And as I watch her, a voice I haven’t heard in a long time infiltrates my thoughts. It’s a welcomed intrusion, as is the feel of a warm hand on my shoulder. Even while cloaked in invisibility, the touch cuts through my magic.

I haven’t felt my father’s presence this strong in a long time—years—and never like this. Not even the ceremony held with my sisters a few weeks back created this strong of a connection, and the fact he’s reciting the same words spoken to me before his death isn’t lost on me either.

This is what he meant then.

He saw her. This moment.

Love is the most powerful thing in the world, Leo. No matter the species or your beliefs, we are all worthy of unconditional love, son. So when you find her, cherish your mate. Honor her and your bond, even if at times it brings you pain.


Elena M. Reyes is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would. 

As a small child, she was always intrigued by all forms of art: whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure, but it wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world.

She’s a short and sassy Latina with an adorable pup, a kiddo that keeps her on her toes, and a husband who claims she’ll cause him to go bald prematurely. Lol

Want to keep up to date with Elena’s crazy book life?

Connect with Elena here:

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