Monday, November 13, 2023

*`Review: Sweet Spot by Jessica Prince`*

Title: Sweet Spot
Series: Redemption #9
Author: Jessica Prince
Release Date: November 6, 2023

5 Stars
I can't believe this is the final book in this series. I love this series and it went out with a bang. Gage and Wynn are going to have you swooning. These two best friends have sworn off relationships after their exes did a number on them. When they enter a fake engagement situation they really look at one another in a different light. Their tried and true were are just friends doesn't ring true as it once did. These two are so adorable together. They get one another like no one else. I love their banter and the little things they do for one another. Their families are awesome and Grandma Buttons reminded me of my grandma. Which put a huge smile on my face because I miss my grandma like crazy so it was nice to feel her presence while reading because she is the reason I love reading romance books. This was such a great book to end this series on. It had a great sense of humor with the perfect combination of heart and heat. Plus all of our favorite cast of characters from this series pop in along the way. I devoured this book in a day and a half. Gage and Wynn just had me hooked. Can I just say the description of Gage reading made him sound like dreamy book boyfriend material. I highly recommend this one!!

Who knew four little words and a very public kiss would change so much.

Gage Langdon didn’t do relationships. After having his heart shattered years ago, he made a vow to never go down that road again. But when his past waltzes into his town, demanding his attention, he reacts without thinking and makes a very public display of kissing his best friend. Now Wynn is pretending to be his girlfriend to help him get back at his ex, and the feelings he’d sworn he turned off were starting to spark to life.

After walking in on her boyfriend in bed with another woman, Wynn Klein made herself a promise. Never again. She was done with men. When she walked into that coffee shop one morning to meet her best friend, she never expected Gage would wrap her in his arms and plant a knee-quaking kiss on her in front of the whole town. The request he whispered in her ear after sealed their Just go with it.

When Wynn agreed to be Gage’s fake girlfriend, it was only supposed to be temporary. But thanks to meddlesome friends, an over-eager mother-in-law to be, and a conniving granny, things go so much further than they were intended.

The lines between reality and fiction are starting to blur, and Gage starts to see Wynn in a whole new light.

Now he just has to get her to that sweet spot where friends become lovers without freaking her out and sending her running for the hills.


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