Thursday, October 19, 2023

*`Review Blitz: KEEP by Anna Hackett`*

Release Date: October 19

My boss is a tough, grumpy bounty hunter—and a hot single dad—and now he’s sworn to keep me safe, whether I like it or not.

My name’s Macy, and I always look on the bright side of things. Life’s too short not to.
Super grump extraordinaire Colton Fury is the total opposite. Luckily for him, along with the muscled bod, tattoos, and rugged face, it works for him.

When I start getting creepy calls at the office and someone breaks into my house, it becomes clear I’m a target, and Colt sort of…loses his mind. He turns even bossier and more protective.

Now I’m living with him and his super cute daughter, and trying very hard to remember that I can’t let myself fall for him. 

Before long, there’s kissing, touching, and a whole lot more. Colt tells me—okay, more like growls at me—that he doesn’t do relationships. And I promise him no strings or

Every day that passes, the complications are growing and I’m starting to realize I want them.
All of them. 

But soon, it’s not only me in danger, and it’s not only Colt who’ll risk it all to save the people he loves.

The Fury Brothers: fierce, loyal, and live by their own code

Five men who grew up in foster care and became brothers by choice. They vow to always have each other’s back: no questions, no doubts, no hesitation. They protect their own…always.

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Available in KU  


5 Stars

This is the second book and just as good as the first. Getting know Colt and Daisy in Dante's book I so couldn't wait to dive into this one. Three words single dad romance. This was a must read for me. These Fury brothers sure have me wrapped around their fingers. Colt is on grumpy guy, but when he is with his daughter as Macy says his gooey center shows. I loved Macy for Colt. So perfect with the grumpy/sunshine situation going on. She brings out a softer passionate side of Colt. Colt is going to need all his bounty hunter expertise when Macy's abusive ex doesn't stay in the past. The threat lingers for Macy's safety and Colt will do anything to protect her. As he battles his feelings he battles the threat. This book had me on the edge of my seat a few times. This book was so good I couldn't put it down and read it in a day. Macy, Colt, and Daisy along with the Fury gang had me gobbling up the pages. I really can't wait for more from this series!!

Meet Anna Hackett

I’m a USA Today bestselling romance author who’s passionate about fast-paced, emotion-filled romantic suspense and science-fiction romance. I love writing about people overcoming unbeatable odds and achieving seemingly impossible goals. I like to believe it’s possible for all of us to do the same.

My parents are to blame for my insatiable need to mix action, adventure, and romance. When I was young, I raided my mother’s romances and my father’s action adventure thrillers. I love being exhilarated and left just a little breathless. I’m a sucker for that moment when the team is walking in slow motion, shoulder-to-shoulder heading off into battle.

To learn more about Anna and her books, visit here! 


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