Friday, March 10, 2023

*~Series Tour: Second Chances Series~*

Title: Second Chances Series
Author: Jacqueline Francis

Scott Carter is a bully. Scott Carter is a racist. Scott Carter is the most arrogant douche I have ever met. This man-whore charms the pants off all the girls, but not me - the Latina from the wrong side of town - I see none of that charm. I get the worst of him. He has made my life a living hell, tormenting me for years with no reprieve.

Just when I’m at breaking point, Scott Carter steps in and makes everything ten times worse. My whole life is turned upside down in an instant. And now, after he’s messed up everything, that’s when he decides that maybe we should try to be friends. He wants to reconcile and put the past behind us.

Ugh! No! He can go to hell. I want nothing from Scott Carter…but it’s starting to look like he wants something from me.

If you're looking for haters-to-lovers romance with a sexy, cocky hero and a sassy, quick-witted heroine, this one is just for you. #slowburn #highschooldrama

Dylan De Lorenzo is grade-A boyfriend material. Dylan De Lorenzo is the nicest guy wrapped up in the sexiest package of lean-cut biceps and rock-hard abs. Dylan De Lorenzo is exactly the type of guy who should stay away from me.

See, I'm the "bad girl", the drunk, the floozy, trouble with a capital T. Guys can't seem to resist my curves, and he may tell you differently, but he's not immune to me either. He wants me and he knows he shouldn't because I am the worst thing that could happen to a guy like him.

But Dylan De Lorenzo had me fooled. This guy flipped the script on me. He has a temper and a secret...and an ex-girlfriend. These were things I was unaware of when I blindly stumbled into this abyss of love and lust and passion.
Looking back at it now, maybe he was the worst thing that could have happened to me.

Warning: This book contains triggers that may affect certain readers such as suicide (before the book begins) and substance abuse. It may also affect readers who were victims of abuse and/ or violence. It contains strong language and sexual content and is not recommended for readers under 18 years of age or sensitive readers.

Other warnings: This book is basically one big flashback (for those of you who hate that kind of thing) and ends on cliffhanger. It contains (a lot of) crass sexual humor and if you are lactose intolerant, proceed with caution. There is also a moderate amount of cheese.

Isabella Diaz is a cheat. Isabella Diaz turned out to be the treacherous snake I was warned about. Isabella Diaz ripped my heart out and wrecked my whole world. It took a while, but I somehow pushed past the pain she caused. I picked up the pieces, wrote her off as a bad decision, and moved on. So, imagine my surprise when I find myself at her mercy again, when the mere sound of her voice takes center stage and overshadows everything else in my life.

See, Isabella Diaz played me for a fool, but when the dusty cloud of deception finally settles, I see her for who she really is. The woman I love. The woman I hate. The woman I shouldn’t want…but I do.

Warning: This book contains triggers that may affect certain readers, such as mental illness and infertility. It may also affect readers who were victims of abuse and/ or violence. It contains strong language and sexual content and is not recommended for readers under 18 years of age or sensitive readers.

Other warnings: This book contains many flashbacks (for those of you who hate that kind of thing), so please pay attention to the dates. Just like the first one, it still contains (a lot of) crass sexual humor and too much cheese. Also, special warning for what happens in chapter 2/ 3. Don't hate me.

Scott and Catalina - part 2 ❤❤❤ - This is not a standalone and must be read with book 1 of this series

Catalina Diaz was my dream come true. Catalina Diaz was my future. Catalina Diaz promised me forever, and I was foolish enough to believe her. She lied. Forever, as it turns out, was just an infinite amount of happiness condensed into a very finite amount of time.

“I’ll be back in a year,” she told me before she boarded a plane, but that wasn’t true either. On the day she left, we didn’t realize that our paths were going to lead in two separate directions. The distance grew between us, and what we had slowly dissipated into something we couldn’t salvage. We both moved on, she found love again, and I accepted she was lost to me forever.

Well, I thought I accepted it…until I see her again.

Karma has always enjoyed messing with me, and this time is no exception. Her sister is getting married to my best friend and what better circumstance to run into my ex-fiancĂ© again than at a wedding? Just one interaction and Catalina Diaz turns my whole life upside down. See, I still want her, but she’s happy with someone else. It’s painstakingly gruesome.

I keep telling myself that I just have to get through two weeks and then she’ll hop on a plane, and we can go our separate ways again. Just two weeks and then I can put all the memories of Catalina Diaz out of my mind for good. Easy, right? An infinite amount of torture condensed into a very finite amount of time. I’m sure I can do it.

Trigger warning: Contains cheating!

Number cruncher by day, raging romance novelist by night; Jacqueline’s creative inspiration stems from romance and all its literary and rom-com depictions. Her slow-burn novels incorporate feisty females, witty heroes, and are always laced with a good dose of humor. Matters of the heart are what fascinates her, because ultimately, what makes a life out of - what would ordinarily be a typical existence - is Love


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