Friday, March 10, 2023

*~Review Blitz: Grump in a Kilt by Kait Nolan~*

 Release Date: March 10

A grump who lost his family...

After a devastating loss, Malcolm Niall has spent the past twenty years hiding from the world. As manager of a Highland estate, he's built a life of purpose, caring for the land and animals. And for the past six months, his peace has been utterly destroyed by a sexy Southern whirlwind who's never met a stranger. Worse, they have to work together daily.

His sunshiny nemesis who's starting a new life

Nothing about Charlotte Vasquez's life has been traditional. She never married, abandoned her corporate job to raise the son of her late best friend, and now she's followed that grown-up son to Scotland for a chance at something new. While she's enjoying the challenge, she could do without the attitude from the broody Scot next door.

Join forces to protect a runaway

Malcolm and Charlotte clash over absolutely everything on the renovation project they're tasked to lead. If there's a healthy amount of heat beneath the frustration, neither is willing to admit it. But when they discover a runaway hiding in one of the cottages, they find common purpose at last. Risks are taken and hearts expand as Malcolm and Charlotte pull out all the stops to protect Gavin from the abusive father who'd tear their unconventional family apart.

Grab Your Copy Here!

4.5 Stars
This is the second book in the series. I'm here for this grumpy/sunshine opposites attract romance. Charlotte and Malcom butt heads at every turn, but one young boy is going to unite this unlikely pair. We learn there is so much more to Malcom then the grumpy standoffish persona. There is a lot of depth and feelings hidden under the gruff exterior. This book made me so happy for Charlotte. Family means everything to her example of her stepping up for Raleigh. I just gobbled up this book. It was hard to put down. I'm so loving my visit in Scotland with this brood. The characters have a way of pulling me in. Gavin stole my heart and he is quite the little matchmaker. This book pulled the emotions out of me. The epilogue was so perfect for this couple, but also has me eagerly awaiting the next book. I love the little teases we got for what is to come. 

Meet Kait Nolan

Kait Nolan is a RITA® Award-winning Mississippi author who calls everyone sugar, honey, or darlin', and can wield a 'Bless your heart' like a Snuggie or a saber, depending on requirements. 

She believes in love, laughter, and that tacos are the world's most perfect food. 

When she's not writing, reading, working the evil day job, or wrangling family (both the two-legged and the four-), you can find her obsessively watching The Great British Bake Off.

To learn more about Kait and her books, visit here!  

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