Thursday, August 31, 2017

*~Release Blitz: Ceva’s Chance by Lilli Carlisle~*

Live Now! A New Paranormal Fantasy Release:

Ceva’s Chance by Lilli Carlisle


  • Genre:  Paranormal Fantasy
  • Title: Ceva’s Chance
  • Series: The Black Ridge Wolf Pack 
  • (this book can be read as a standalone novel)


If it hadn’t been for King Leonidas, white witch Ceva would have roamed the earth alone and ostracized. She was a biological accident, and her heritage was a curse she’d carry around for all her days. Now she fights for her king and kingdom, a fierce warrior on a mission to prove she is worthy of the trust and friendship the king has afforded. When she meets Lothar, captain of the Black Ridge Wolf Pack guard, she glimpses a future she never thought possible. But once he knows her truths, he will surely reject her.
Lothar had never met anyone like Ceva. Beautiful, fierce, protective and loyal, she would make the perfect mate for any man. Lotharwants to be that man, but Ceva remains elusive. Sure, she flirts, and they dance around each other, but Lothar wants more. When his team joins hers on a dangerous mission, he learns her secrets, which makes her more extraordinary, not the pariah she believes she is. But her past is about to catch up with her, and only his love can save them from certain death.


With one last look at Lothar’s breathing but still figure, her heart sank. She crouched lower and dug her fingers farther into the dirt and continued chanting. The sounds of fighting drifted away as she molded the earth to doing her bidding. The ground underneath each ogre began to tremble and shift. Ceva pushed more power into her incantation and felt it spike as the ground opened under each ogre and became quicksand, sucking each one down, until only the wolves remained. Ceva felt her powers waning and went to her hands and knees to draw breath into her shaking body.
“Swear to the heavens, you’re going to be the death of me, Ceva,” Lothar growled as he knelt beside her. “You will surely give me a heart attack before this is over.”
“Wouldn’t want to interrupt your rambling,” she moaned, “but do you think you can help me stand?” Ceva retracted her wings, absorbing them back into her body through the slits in her shirt.
“I can do better than that.” He lifted her from the ground and held her to his muscled chest. Don’t get used to this. No distractions, remember? 
“My savior,” she joked. “You just wanted to get your hands on me.”
“Savior, damn right.” She noted he didn’t respond to her other comment.
“How long will you be here?” She half hoped it was for a while.
“Until the job is done, we’re at your disposal,” Lothar replied. “Then we can go back to our pack.”
“Lucky me.” Ceva laughed. “Try not to get yourself killed.” Please be safe.
“You know you want me here,” he whispered into her ear, his warm breath sending shivers throughout her body. Instead of answering, she crossed her arms, making him smile wider.


Lilli Carlisle, lives outside Toronto, Canada. She’s a member of the Romance Writers of America and its chapter, Toronto Romance Writers. Lilli is a mother of two wonderful girls, wife to an amazing man, and servant to the pets in her life. Lilli writes both contemporary and paranormal/fantasy romance and believes love should be celebrated and shared. After all, everybody needs a little romance, excitement, intrigue and passion in their lives.

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