Friday, December 9, 2016

*~Christmas Countdown Day 5~*

Donna Hatch, author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series," as well as over a dozen other published titles, is a hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, the force that drove her to write and publish seventeen historical titles, to date. She is a multi-award winner, a sought-after workshop presenter, and juggles multiple volunteer positions as well as her six children. Also music lover, she sings and plays the harp, and she loves to ballroom dance. She and her family recently transplanted from her native Arizona to the Pacific Northwest where she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Q & A With the Author:
What organizations do you recommend for those wanting to become writers?
That depends on what you write. If you write romance, I recommend RWA Romance Writers of America. If you write children’s or teen books, I recommend SCBWI which stands for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Other options are to find a local Nanowrimo group; from what I know, some offer workshops, others only give encouragement to write a book in a selected month. You could go online and enter local writer’s group in your search engine, and see what comes up. Then visit them a few times to see if you are a good fit with them before you join.

Any advice you'd like to share about writing?
Be humble and teachable. Too many new authors have kind of a chip on their shoulder and are totally closed to constructive criticism. If someone tells you there is an aspect of your story that needs more work, take them at face value; they are almost always right. If they tell you what you should do to fix it, take that with a grain of salt because they are often wrong.

Connect with the Author here: 

Heartbroken at the news that her betrothed has wed another woman, Emily is determined to pick up the pieces of her life and enjoy Christmas with her family. ? Newly returned from war, Bennett holds a secret and will do anything to ensure Emily, his only true love, never discovers it...even if it means losing her. Fate reunites the star-crossed lovers and reveals the truth that will either unite them or drive them apart forever.

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK

Top Ten List:

1. I like cats--kittens are even more fun.
2. I am a harpist and I teach harp lessons.
3. Every morning after I get the children off to school, I go for a walk. (At least, that's always the goal)
4. I hate spiders. HATE. With a passion.
5. Due to moves in my childhood, I attended 9 different schools. Being the new kid isn't all it's cracked up to be.
6. I love cheesecake just as much as I love chocolate--chocolate cheesecake is even better. Caramel is a close second. Caramel-chocolate cheesecake, anyone?
7. Currently I'm juggling: a YA dystopian aka speculative fiction, a YA historical paranormal, book 4 of my Rogue Hearts Regency series, and a new Regency trilogy.
8. I am majorly claustrophobic, which is exactly why, when I had to give my super-warrior weapons master, Kai Darkwood in my fantasy Queen in Exile, some flaw or fear, I chose claustrophobia for his--I understand it.
9. I love to ballroom dance. LOVE.
10. I also love bodies of water of any kind--ocean, river, lake, stream, waterfall, backyard garden pond. It just does something for my soul. This is partly why we recently moved from the desert to Washington State. I even love water when it's falling from the sky. Mermaid, anyone?

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